Morning - Out selling lecture tickets and to see Mrs Blagg, Rosehill, when she lent me a lot of slides of London views and animals at the zoo.

Afternoon - To Wesleyan Schoolroom fixing screen and generally preparing for lecture.

Evening - At Six o'clock gave about 200 school children an entertainment.

At eight o'clock lecture for adults. The audience did not appear to be very numerous at first but the room seemed to fill up after 8. Mr S. Allen Esq made a very neat little speech at the commencement before he introduced me.

The lecture passed off very successfully and after I had done with New Zealand, Mr Allen proposed a hearty clap to the lecturer which was cordially responded to.

I then shewed them a lot of photos of animals at the zoo.

Having piano and violin (Gibsons) it filled up all the gaps with music and made it all quite nice.

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